Characteristics Of Loose Deep Wave Curls


The loose deep wave hair is a recent trend in the hair market. Despite its novelty, it has fast become popular as more women explore it. Therefore, the demand for loose deep wave wigs, weaves, and hair bundles have sky-rocketed. The popularity of loose deep wave hair can be attributed to their characteristics. This post discusses loose deep wave curls characteristics that every wig or hair extension wearer should know.

Characteristics of loose deep wave curls

It would be wise to start this segment by defining loose deep wave curls. These curls are the middle ground between loose wave and deep wave curls. They are typically bigger than deep wave curls but smaller than loose waves. This is the best way to explain them. Below are other characteristics;

1. Texture

The texture mostly depends on the hair type. For instance, loose deep wave Brazilian hair featured a different texture than Indian or synthetic hair. Loose deep wave hair features a smooth and lustrous texture depending on the hair type.

2. Styling

Loose deep wave curls are among the easiest to wear and style. Loose deep wave hairstyles are known for their natural luster. This means that they can last for long. There are also several styles of loose deep wave hair in the market. There is so much to choose from, from frontal lace wigs to hair bundles and weaves. The thing about loose deep wave hair is that it looks good regardless of the style.

3. Maintenance and durability

These two characteristics rely on each other. For instance, these curls require proper maintenance to keep them looking good for a long time. One of the first maintenance must-do is practicing installation care. This includes not cutting the hair wefts during installation and allowing the curls to set for a while after installation. You can also maintain the curls by practicing sleeping care to keep them from drying, cluttering, and losing their curls. Minimizing heat treatments and chemical treatments can also help the hair last longer.

4. Cleaning

Cleaning loose wave hair is relatively easy. It would help if you did it once per week, depending on how often you wear the hair and how you wear it. Before washing your loose deep wave hair, it would be wise to comb it with your fingers to detangle it without tampering with the curls. Use mildly heated water and always pre-condition. Proper cleaning can help keep the curls looking good and healthy. It can also help your hair last longer.

How long can loose deep wave curls last?

The curls can last an entire day or more, depending on the hair type and application technique. This is true for human hair. However, curls on synthetic hair usually last longer. The curls can last as long as the hair product. However, the maintenance also helps.


The best thing about loose deep wave hair is that you get the best of both worlds (deep and loose wave curls). Loose deep wave hair is often compared with body waves. While the two look a lot like each other, loose deep waves are typically curlier and bouncier.


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